Montag, 19. Dezember 2011

Very slow with minis

I am still working on my 1 : 24 house for Marthe - but very slowly
I made the front .

The house is a old box
High - 27 cm
Deep - 15 cm
Wide - 19 cm
The next step will be the roof.

The front

Look into the kitchen

Look into the livingroom

3 Kommentare:

ANDA hat gesagt…

As small, yet how meticulous !I love looking into the windows to see a beautiful room interiors.

Cinderella Moments hat gesagt…

It looks like an old building in some old city. It's already very cute! I think this is going to be a great project.

*Mieke*Petitevictorianrose*and*PastTimeChildhood hat gesagt…

The house looks lovely !
I wish you a very merry Christmas !!

Hugs Mieke xxx